“Car sickness” doesn’t necessarily just mean getting nauseous on a long road trip… In addition to being important for your vehicle’s health, preventative maintenance can also benefit your personal health as well.
Allergies can be aggravated by unclean air filters. Toxins can be spread via exhaust fumes. What other ways might your vehicle be affecting your health?
Fungus from A/C
When the weather gets hot, we tend to turn the air conditioning up.
But the same moisture that keeps cars cool can create hot spots for fungus – causing colds, infections, and even allergic reactions.
One study showed that fungal concentration doubles when the A/C filter is old and needs replacing. Strange odors, loss of air flow, or noises when the A/C is running could indicate a problem. Bring your vehicle into our shop for an A/C inspection and service.
Motion Sickness from Poor Suspension
As you travel the uneven roads in Wisconsin, your car’s suspension keeps you from bouncing uncontrollably in your seat. But if you’ve put off one too many tire rotations, alignments, or repairs, you’ll feel every bump and pothole in the road.
For those already prone to motion sickness, this can mean miles of queasiness and discomfort. This is especially true when the vehicle’s suspension needs maintenance.
Sway bars control the motion from side to side, while shocks and struts tackle the up-and-down bounce. If your sway bars or struts are damaged, not only will your risk of car sickness rise, you’ll get less life out of your tires as they wear unevenly – risking further damage and costly repairs.
Don’t settle for bumpy rides; have your suspension inspected and repaired to ease motion sickness, get the longest life from your tires, and save money.
Preventative maintenance can help keep you and your vehicle healthy and comfortable on the road. Whether it means an A/C repair, wheel alignment, or safety inspection, stop by our shop for healthier drives and peace of mind all year long!