Even with inspections and safe driving, sometimes your car may break down unexpectedly. There are around 69 million car breakdowns that happen to 30% of drivers annually, according to Agero. Before you get to a car repair shop, here are some things you should do to stay safe.
Pull Over
If you feel your car breaking down, do what you can to pull down over to the side. By pulling over to the side, you’ll put yourself in a safer position since you won’t be in the way of moving cars. Plus, you’ll have time to get your bearings and decide what to do next.
Use Hazard Lights
Now it’s time to turn on your hazard lights. These are the amber front and tail lights that flash on. There is a hazard light symbol on the front of your car that you can press. The purpose of these lights is to warn other cars that you’re having a problem with your vehicle, which is why you pulled over.
Get Out If There’s Damage
If your car appears to be safe, you can sit and wait for help. What if it’s showing signs of damage? Is it making weird sounds, or is there smoke? If so, you should exit the car immediately and get assistance. Plus, you may need to get out of the car to wave down help.
Call for Help
By now, you should be in a position to call for help. As long as your phone is charged, you should call for roadside assistance. Once they arrive, they can tow your truck and take it to the nearest car repair shop. If your phone isn’t charged, you may want to find a nearby business to call from or see if you could flag down an officer.
Stay Cautious
What happens if your car breaks down at night? You may be nervous, understandably so, especially if you’re in the middle of nowhere. Get a feel of the situation and see if it’s best to wait inside your car for help, or you can go to a nearby business to have a cup of coffee and wait for help. Also, be mindful of other cars that are moving on the road to make sure you don’t get hit.
A car breaking down can be stressful and inconvenient. However, following the above steps can help you through the situation effectively. If you’re having issues with your car, bring it to our local car repair shop today at S/S Automotive.